Photo credit: Asiya Khaki
I started kitchen3n.com as so many food bloggers do: to share the foods I enjoy and make for my family. Initially, I wanted it to be a resource for some of my friends and acquaintances who
were on their own for the first time and looking to recreate the dishes their parents made for them. But as time went on I realized I had so much more to share, between my undying love for Ina Garten and all things French (and some Italian). I hope to encourage my readers to try something new, pick up an ingredient in the grocery store that you may not have considered before. Laced in between the recipes of my childhood and of the present, are baked goods and other sweet treats. Chocolate chip cookies were my first foray into the kitchen and through them I learned the merits of patience: messing up so many times as I had, only to do more research, and try again.
In the past few years, I’ve seen through my own blog and in reading so many others, that cooking is never static. There is always something to learn, to improve upon, whether it’s technique or health/environmental consciousness. The most important thing to do in the kitchen, is to take care and pay attention to your cooking like it is your craft, tasting along the way and recalling lessons learned from past experiences.
I have been so fortunate to have such a supportive husband throughout the years. Before he bought me the incredible camera that allows me to share my recipes with you, I took ill-lighted photographs with my phone and convinced myself they looked appetizing. This blog has been such a rewarding creative outlet for me, throughout early motherhood and even now as I attempt to balance a part time job at an international development consulting firm. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have!
Naureen Akhter