First post post-baby! That excuses a 3 month hiatus, right?
Anyway, my in laws have been blessed with abundant crops this year. Zucchini twice the size of butternut squash (pictures to come). A never ending supply of mixed greens. Cucumbers to rival the zucchini. All of these things make their way into my fridge. Part of their generosity included a giant bag of mint leaves (peppermint I believe). Now, you can only have so much mint tea before you realize you haven’t even made a dent and the leaves are starting to go. Hence, this simple recipe.
It can be used in a variety of ways:
- To sweeten your warm or iced tea
- Mojitos (ours are virgin of course)
- Vinaigrettes (particularly on a fruit salad)
- 3 cups water
- 3 cups sugar
- 6 sprigs of mint
Mojitos are great